In today’s podcast Rebecca discusses the catch 22 of knowing what long term success requires but not having the people, money, or time to do it.
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In today’s podcast Rebecca discusses the catch 22 of knowing what long term success requires but not having the people, money, or time to do it.
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Rebecca stresses the importance of asking some very specific questions regarding suppliers.
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Rebecca shares how to create a strategic approach to finding employees with the needed skill sets.
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Rebecca describes 5 changes that operations led by Baby Boomers must start making now to attract and keep Gen-Y and Gen-i employees. These are not your father’s employees.
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In today’s podcast Rebecca discusses 3 of the 8 keys to integrating manufacturing operations successfully.
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You don’t have to throw out your ERP system to leverage Lean and TOC thinking. Rebecca explains what you changes you do need to make to how you use it.
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Rebecca discusses how innovation doesn’t have to be life altering, but can be creating small improvements for big impact.
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Rebecca shares three examples of how easy it can be to observe others and apply what you see to your own, seemingly unrelated, business.
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