Finish Strong® Podcast Series The journey to excellence is not a simple one, nor does it follow a straight line. This podcast series addresses issues important to manufactures worldwide. Becky's insights include commentary on global, strategic, and tactical issues, as well as observations on current challenges and opportunities in manufacturing businesses. Feel free to suggest topics of interest to you; no doubt Becky will have something to say that will make you think.

But Will it Work in My Business?

You work hard in your business, and are intimately familiar with all the distinctions that make your company special. But you’re really not all that unique. The business processes for most manufacturers are very similar and you can learn from others no matter how dissimilar they appear to be on the surface. Here’s what you need to walk away from ideas you don’t need and leverage those you do.

Strategic Relevance

It might seem that competitive advantage is a good thing, a key to success. But not all are created equal. In fact, a competitive advantage can undermine your vision. Consider these ideas to determine if your strategic relevance position. You may be wandering, dreaming, irrelevant, or in the optimal “innovate” quadrant. Learn how to tell, and consider specific examples of businesses in each circumstance.