Finish Strong® Podcast Series The journey to excellence is not a simple one, nor does it follow a straight line. This podcast series addresses issues important to manufactures worldwide. Becky's insights include commentary on global, strategic, and tactical issues, as well as observations on current challenges and opportunities in manufacturing businesses. Feel free to suggest topics of interest to you; no doubt Becky will have something to say that will make you think.

Three Measures Of Effective Metrics

Making your organizational metrics worth the cost, and your KPI’s truly KEY.

Executive Summary:  First, it’s easy to resort to the obligatory metrics. Don’t waste money reporting metrics just because the company down the street uses it, even if it sounds good in a conference room. Next, we all too often waste time and money collecting data that is too untimely or inaccurate to improve decision-making.  Lastly, we often track metrics that do not provide clear interpretation.Here are 3 ways to measure the effectiveness of your metrics, and ensure the ones you end up with help you run your business better: (1) You can list one or more decision that you will make, based on the value or direction of the metric. (2) You won’t make a related decision without reviewing it first. (3) The value of improved decision-making outweighs the costs of reporting the metric.