Make your company’s vision for excellence a reality!
Are you a leader of a midsize manufacturing business wishing you had a trusted peer? Do you work to stay abreast of what’s going on in the best companies, and recognize the advantage of access to outside expertise and prodding? Are you struggling to keep longer-term perspective? If so, you’re in the right place.
I listen to you, think with you, challenge our thinking, help you maintain accountability, advise, verify, and explain as your strategy comes together, priorities are defined, and implementation evolves. Together we spur you and your team to move as quickly as your organization can handle, but no faster.
Executives value having Becky by their side to plan and navigate an effective route to the future.
- Example: Co-Presidents Todd Mayer and Paul Eidenschink of Steffes, LLC work with Becky regularly on topics ranging from strategy development and execution to organizational structure to strategic customer acquisition to supply chain.
The Thinking Partner relationship is based on unlimited access to me for the support you want and need. Your financial investment is mutually determined in advance of beginning work.