Manufacturing greatness requires visionary leadership capable of blending the technical and the interpersonal, understanding the market and the consumer, and developing the capabilities essential to profitably deliver brand promise.
In this twelve-part video series, manufacturing operations strategist Rebecca Morgan explains the distinctions that epitomize superior operations leadership, describes strategic and technical considerations in manufacturing greatness, and provokes the listener to consider alternatives. She provides pragmatic actionable advice and helpful exercises to guide you through developing your own approach.
Most executives who have purchased this series have chosen to work along side their team to discuss and align on these important conversations.
Check out the Introduction Video below.
Available for Online Streaming Only (for as many years as you need!).

The Characteristics of Great Operations Leadership
Becky Morgan identifies distinctions among poor, average, and great operations leaders, along with examples.

Mastering Mutual Respect
Becky Morgan describes four key perspectives of great operations leaders in fostering a profitable and admired culture that attracts employees, customers, suppliers and investors.

Who Needs Meaningful Mission, Vision and Values
Becky Morgan explains how to maximize the power of your mission, vision, and values in creating profitable growth

You Are Not The Primary Stakeholder
Becky Morgan demonstrates how respect for all stakeholders is integral to success and provides simple tests for valuable self-evaluation.

There is Only One Top Priority
Becky Morgan provides exercises to help your management team master prioritization, a requirement of great operations leadership.

The Necessary Glue
Becky Morgan delivers advice on how to ensure consistency in leadership.

A Good Team Defeats Great Individuals
Becky Morgan teaches you how to assess and develop your operations leadership team.

The Most Valuable Operations Business Process
Becky Morgan describes business processes critical to operational greatness.

Lean Leadership And The Vigorous Learning Organization
Becky Morgan explains which aspects of lean are important, what lean leadership entails, and how to create a learning organization.

What Comes After Lean
Becky Morgan offers alternatives and successors to lean manufacturing.

You Are On Your Way
In the last video of this series, Becky Morgan explains how you can personally leverage the information in this series to create manufacturing greatness.